National School of Character
We are thrilled that has named us, Joyce Kilmer School, a National School of Character! I would like to first recognize the efforts of Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Citro who worked diligently on the long and complicated application process for this distinction! The application process alone has been a 3 year endeavour as we first applied for, and were named a state school of character in 2020. Throughout this time, Mrs. Citro and Mrs. Devine tracked and completed all the requirements for us to even be considered, so THANK YOU Mrs. Citro and Mrs. Devine.
I would also like to thank all of the students, and all of you, our parent partners, for helping to champion the implementation and adopting of our school's core values of CARES. Cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self control are the key attributes we have been cultivating with the students, and those words are at the center of the vernacular we have been using with everyone in our Joyce Kilmer family. Without you all extending these principles beyond the school day, we surely would not have received this honor. I would like to thank those students and parents that took part in the panel discussion with the representatives from The ability of those on that panel to articulate what we work to do each and every day at Joyce Kilmer through our character initiatives was the key to us earning prestigious honor.
By no means is our work done, and we must continue to work diligently on our efforts in Responsive Classroom, CARES, and all of our character and team building programming. Today, we celebrate! Congratulations everyone, and thank you for your continued support!
Mr. Veit