Before School Clubs
- Students attending AM clubs should enter through the Main Office between 7:45am and 8:00am
- Band and chorus students should enter through the Main Office at 7:45 am
- Anyone arriving after 8:00 am will not be permitted in.

Math Help 2024-2025 (7:45am - 8:25am)
Miss Macaro
Mrs. O’Brien
Mrs. Dysart
Mrs. O’Brien
Mrs. Dysart
Miss Fratianni (By appointment only)
Mrs. Manise |
Miss Weinstein |
Mrs. Manise |
Mrs. Nehila |
Mrs. Nehila |
Miss Fratianni (By appointment only) |
Miss Weinstein |
Mrs. Hill |
Mrs. Hill |
Mrs. Hill |
Mrs. Hill |
Mrs. Hill |
Ms. Vitale |
Ms. Vitale |
Ms. Vitale |
Ms. Vitale |
Ms. Vitale |
Mrs. Dennis |
Mrs. Dennis |
Ms. Papa (by appointment only) |
Ms. Papa (by appointment only) |
Ms. Papa (by appointment only) |
Ms. Papa (by appointment only) |
Ms. Papa (by appointment only) |

Library Club is an opportunity for students to come and quietly read, study, and finalize homework before the school day begins. Students can read and peruse the books, but they are not permitted to check out books during morning library club. Library Club is open to all JK students every day.

Calling all JK Singers! If you are interested in learning how to sing or something new and fun, then join the JK Chorus Program! Chorus is available for all JK students. Students may be in both band and chorus. All grades rehearse in school during their recess times in the music room on Wednesdays. Students may join at any time during the year. Winter and spring band/chorus concerts are held annually in the JK APR at 7pm.
The JK Chorus is open to all students in fourth and fifth grade.
Our Knight Chorus is open to all students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students.
Please See Mrs. Oest in with any questions and to obtain a permission slip.
Beginner Band is for students just beginning an instrument, and since our school starts in 4th grade, it is primarily 4th grade students. These students may choose to play flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone and tuba. Students in 5th and 6th grade may also opt to play drums. Beginner Band meets on Tuesday mornings before school at 7:45 a.m.and will be able to participate in both the Winter and Spring Concerts.
The Knight Band is our intermediate ensemble, named after our school mascot. It is primarily 5th grade students and meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:45 a.m.This ensemble will also participate in both the Winter and Spring Concerts, and will likely play for the student body throughout the year.
Our Concert Band is our most advanced ensemble and is made up of students who have played for 2-4 years. Concert Band meets Friday mornings before school at 7:45 a.m., and will also perform in both the Winter and Spring concerts. Throughout the year, the Concert Band also performs for Milltown Day, Veteran's Day, and at a Spring Music Festival, along with performing various assembly programs. These students may opt to participate in the JK Jazz Band, an ensemble that focuses on jazz and pop selections.