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Weekly Update from Mrs. Citro

Good Afternoon Everyone,

What a week it has been!! We started with the possibility of all of Google being down on Monday, celebrated Character Day on Wednesday, and threw in a snow day, a childhood rite of passage, on Thursday. All happening the week before winter break filled with holiday preparations and continued social distancing!

As you all know by now, Mr. Veit and I felt it best to cancel our holiday drive-around town.  That is something left best to Santa and the Milltown Fire Department so be sure to look for them this Saturday!    As a holiday gift from us to all of our Joyce Kilmer students, we are going to host a Holiday Movie Watch Party!  This fun and safe way to celebrate will take place in their homeroom Google Meets next Tuesday from 1:30-3:00.  Your children have already voted on which film they'd like to watch.  And as an added special treat, stop by the Joyce Kilmer main entrance on Monday from 10:00-2:00 and Tuesday from 10:00-1:00 (the party starts at 1:30!) to pick up a holiday snack to enjoy with us!  Please remember to wear your masks and practice social distancing if you are able to come by.

Have a wonderful, safe weekend and get outside and play!!!

Mrs. Citro