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Weekly Update from Mr. Veit

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Good afternoon! We hope you are all healthy and well, and we hope the start of fall, and the changing of the leaves is bringing you joy!

Here are a few items for review:

1. Our push to begin Hybrid learning, and the thought of seeing your children again has certainly brought us joy! That being said, I have attached several items designed to further assist you all in navigating the many schedules you are dealing with. Attached please find highlighted A or B hybrid examples complete with grade level start dates on the October/beginning November calendars that were previously shared. These examples are similar to the one I shared when we released the Hybrid model tutorial video a few weeks back. There is an example for each grade level. Please review each as they will help and assist no matter if your child is in the A, B, C, or D cohorts. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.

2. Please be advised that the district has a webpage on all things related to school reopening that can be found at>District>Pandemic Planning & Preparedness. Please note that this information also explains in detail the reasons for the district's inability to be able to move forward with previously discussed child care options.  

3. With students returning to school it is important that we mention that the Milltown Public Library opened its doors to the public on September 25th. The library is open (for now) Monday through Friday from 10-4. Once school begins, it is important to remember that the library cannot be used as an "after school" place for children to wait for rides, or to spend time at. With a 12 person occupancy limit, we ask for your assistance in speaking to your children if they are used to frequenting the library after school hours.

4. Please be sure to be specific when relaying absence reasons for your children. Specifically if it involves travel as we need to be diligent in relation to contact tracing and quarentiening  situations. Additionally, please be aware that students in an "A" or "B" cohort are expected in school on their assigned days, and cannot toggle back and forth between remote and in person learning for any reason. If you want to formally transition from all remote to hybrid learning, please notify the main office no later than the last week of any month for a transition to hybrid the following month. You are able to formally go from hybrid learning to all remote at any time by notifying the main office.

5. Please find the attached map entitled "Enter and Exit"indicating the morning gathering and entry points for each grade level. You will see specific areas for homerooms to gather prior to entering the building. We ask that if you are staying on school grounds to see your children enter the building you adhere to social distancing and please wear your masks. These entry points will also be where the students will be dismissed from. Please be advised that there will be temperature checks before your children enter the building at these entrances as well as some temperature checks when exiting cars if you are dropping off along West Church. Please do not worry if your child's temperature is not checked when they exit your car along West Church as it will definitely be checked at their designated entrance.

6. Please be reminded that the electronic daily health screening form that will be shared through Parent Square will be sent to everyone on a daily basis. You are only required to fill it out on days your child is attending school in person. We apologize if this causes confusion, however in order to push this form out with the convenience of Parent Square, it must go to everyone daily.

Finally, I would like to again extend our sincerest thanks to you all. I have said before that I, along with the staff, share in the struggles you're all experiencing. Whether it's childcare, grandparents on Google meets, constant schedule changes, or annoying, long winded emails from your child's principal, we are right there with you. We want you all to know that the positive words you have shared have inspired us, and the thought of your children being back home here at JK has kept us going. We look forward to this month, and we are abundantly confident in the measures we have taken to make the students' returns healthy and successful. Thank you for being there with us (and reading these annoying and long winded emails) every step of the way.

Have a great weekend.

Be well,
Mr. Veit