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Remote Instruction

Dear Parents,

As we prepare for next week's online learning opportunities, and the possibility of even further short, or long term remote learning due to the current CV 19 health situation, we would like to provide you all with the following information on how we will be proceeding both academically and socially.

During next week, and in the event school is closed beyond next week, the following will be the daily academic responsibilities of our students :

-Students will be expected to utilize their school issued chromebooks, or other electronic means of accessing their school Google accounts. Students should expect specific communications containing instructions and expectations related to daily assignments that will be assigned by each teacher the student has.

-Each morning, students should sign on to their homeroom Google attendance form provided to them electronically by their homeroom teachers. Students should sign on prior to 9:30 am each day that school is closed. Parents will still be able to contact the attendance line if their child is ill, and cannot complete remote work.

-Students will be responsible for completing daily assignments, and or assessments provided to them by their teachers through the Google platform. Students should adhere to the specific instructions for completion and submission set forth by their teachers based on the day and assignment. Students should submit all assignments and assessments that are assigned.

-During designated times communicated by the teachers, they will be available to students for email, Parent Square, and (if so chosen) phone communication with students to discuss the daily assignments and/or assessments.

-Should students need social emotional assistance related to any daily stresses, or if a student needs specific mental health assistance related to the current nationwide health situation, students and or parents can contact the school to set up an appointment with a teacher, counselor, or member of the child study team for assistance.

We are saddened that the current state of the CV 19 health situation is prohibiting us from daily contact with our students. However, we look forward to this challenge, and the opportunities it will present to us as educators. We will also look to maximize this opportunity with our students as it is a chance for them to show responsibility for their own learning, assertion in organizing their time and assignments, and cooperation with their teachers. As a staff and administration we will reevaluate how next week runs, and as always, we will make any necessary adjustments based on data and feedback we receive.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. On behalf of the staff of Joyce Kilmer School we wish everyone wellness and health, and we look forward to when we can be in our classrooms again!

Thank you,
Mr. Veit